Is it time to push your RESET button? One out of three people ditch their New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January. Don’t be one of them! Never give up onRead More…
Is it time to push your RESET button? One out of three people ditch their New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January. Don’t be one of them! Never give up onRead More…
The October 2015 issue of Cleanfax magazine featured an article entitled The Warm Body Syndrome. Warm Body Syndrome can be defined as the practice of hiring a warm body to get a jobRead More…
Snow White or Sisyphus Most of us clean our homes or hire others to do it. It has to be done, but do we approach housework more like Snow White or Sisyphus?Read More…
Memorial Day, the last Monday of May is almost here. This is the day that we have set aside to remember the men and women who died while serving in our nation’s armedRead More…
Exorcising Rage Exorcising rage may seem like a strange topic for your friendly neighborhood cleaner to write about. But sadly, I deal with rage-aholics everyday: driving to and from appointments, in homes,Read More…
I never thought about whether or not I’m fur-kid friendly before. I was somewhat surprised and a little amused the other day when I saw a well dressed couple take their equallyRead More…
How to help a hoarder Why would anyone even think about how to help a hoarder? This weekend I helped my elderly mother move. In the process I discovered that she’s turningRead More…
I HATE SPAM! No, I’m not talking about the mystery meat called Spam that comes in a brick shaped can! I don’t like that much either, but I’m referring to the oneRead More…
Interesting Facts About New Year’s Resolutions About 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. One out of every three people ditch their vows by the end of January. By the end of theRead More…
When I was a child, no one dreaded answering the telephone. In fact, it usually put a smile on our faces. Phone calls meant that friends and family members were thinking aboutRead More…